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Returns & Refunds

You may return an item within 14 days of purchase, for a refund, replacement or exchange, providing the items are returned in their original packaging with all labels attached “unopened”.

We will inspect product on receipt to the warehouse, before processing refund, replacement or exchange. Wrong items ordered and sealed are subject to 25% restocking fee. 

Faulty items will be replaced not credited.

Please contact us first to confirm eligibility of refund, replacement or exchange.

Made to measure items, special order items and sealed items on sensitive electronic goods (pcb’s,fans etc) are excluded from the refund policy.

Any order discrepancies must be reported to us within 48 hours of receipt of order.

Except where otherwise agreed, you are responsible for returning the items to us. We ask that you ensure you obtain adequate proof of postage with adequate insurance in place.

Return Address:

Burner Heating Spares Ltd,
200 Higher Road,
M41 9BH

Secure Payment Options

We accept card payments online. Online transactions are secure and processed by PayPal or Stripe.